(ns three-distributions-that-underpin-everything
  (:require [scicloj.kindly.v4.kind :as kind]
            [tablecloth.api :as tc]))
(defn data [ds]
  {:values (tc/rows ds :as-maps)})
(defn dist
  ([field] (dist field nil))
  ([field options] (dist field options :point))
  ([field options mark]
   [(if (map? mark) (merge-with merge {:type :point} mark) mark)
    (merge-with merge {:x {:field :idx
                           :sort  "-y"
                           :title "instance"
                           :axis  {:labels false}}
                       :y {:field field
                           :type  :quantitative}}
(defn hist [field]
  [:bar {:x {:field field
             :axis  {:grid false}
             :scale {:zero true}}
         :y {:aggregate :count
             :title     "count"}}])
(defn plot [title ds encodings]
  {:pre [(string? title) (tc/dataset? ds) (vector? encodings)]}
    {:$schema "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json"
     :title   title
     :width   600
     :data    (data (tc/add-column ds :idx (range)))
     :layer   (vec (for [[mark encoding] encodings]
                     {:mark     mark
                      :encoding encoding}))}))
(defn distributions [data qualifier field]
    (let [prefix (str qualifier " " (name field))]
       (plot (str prefix " distribution")
             [(dist field {:x {:sort :idx}})])

       (plot (str prefix " distribution (sorted)")
             [(dist field)])

       (plot (str prefix " frequency distribution")
             [(hist field)])])))

Hello, code champs, number ninjas, and daring data divers! It's your numchum Tim here trying to understand the mysteries of the universe. Today, I'm going to attempt to simulate my three favourite statistical distributions.

Pop quiz hotshot! 🎲 🎲 🎲 🎲 🎲 🎲 If you roll six dice and add up their values, what do you get?

The least likely outcomes are 6 (all ones) and 36 (all sixes). But everything in between can be made from multiple combinations. I'd say the most likely answer is in the middle; 18.

But what's about all the numbers in between those extremes?

Hmmm. To really answer this we need to whip up a distribution.

I can simulate a die roll with a random number between 1 and 6.

(defn roll []
  (inc (rand-int 6)))
(repeatedly 20 roll)
(2 1 1 5 6 3 6 5 4 6 1 5 6 5 4 5 3 6 3 3)

Now let's roll a single die 1000 times and plot the results.

(def roll-data
  (tc/dataset {:roll (repeatedly 1000 roll)}))
(plot "Dice roll distribution"
      [(dist :roll {:x {:sort :idx}})])

A distribution shows all the numbers visually. Each point is an observation of a roll. The vertical position indicates the value of the roll, the horizontal position indicates the order that it appeared in.

(plot "Dice roll distribution (sorted)"
      [(dist :roll)])

The order is not important, so sorting the distribution makes it easier to observe.

(plot "Dice roll frequency distribution"
      [(hist :roll)])

A frequency distribution summarizes the distribution. This is great because it is even more compact, but on the downside it is a bit more abstract.

(distributions roll-data "Dice" :roll)

Seeing them all together to gives a good view of the dataset. A single die roll is uniformly distributed, each outcome has the same frequency.

Now I want to roll 6 dice together and add up the values.

(defn roll-6 []
  (reduce + (repeatedly 6 roll)))
(repeatedly 20 roll-6)
(23 20 20 26 18 26 22 28 19 16 19 21 19 25 15 28 16 19 18 18)

Let's simulate 1000 of these

(def dice-data
  (tc/dataset {:score (repeatedly 10000 roll-6)}))
(distributions dice-data "Dice" :score)

This looks very familiar! It's the normal distribution.

A normal distribution occurs when independent variables are summed, regardless of the original distribution. This property is called the Central Limit Theorem. It bridges the gap between theoretical probability distributions and practical data analysis.

The normal distribution shows up in test scores, human heights, and baseball batting averages. It arises from the aggregation of independent factors, where numerous small influences combine to produce a symmetric bell-shaped curve. It's everywhere, and it's beautiful in its simplicity and ubiquity.

Let's try another game called "thrive":

Flip a coin, if you get tails then you get nothing, if you get heads you get a dollar, and you get to flip again.

So just count the number of heads in a row?

It sounded cooler the way I said it.

O.K. let's make a function that returns 1 or 0 randomly

(defn flip []
  (rand-int 2))
(repeatedly 20 flip)
(0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1)

And now keep flipping when we get a 1

(defn flip-thrive
  ([] (flip-thrive 1))
  ([n] (if (zero? (flip))
         (flip-thrive (inc n)))))
(repeatedly 20 flip-thrive)
(1 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 2 4 1 6 3 1 1 3 2)

O.K. these seem reasonable numbers, let's look at the distribution

(def thrive-data
  (tc/dataset {:money (repeatedly 1000 flip-thrive)}))
(distributions thrive-data "Wealth" :money)

Hey, that looks like the Pareto!

No, this is a Geometric distribution. But they are quite similar. Such distributions arise due to survival and cumulative advantage; getting another flip.

The Pareto distribution is famously for the "80-20 rule" where "80% of the yield comes from 20% of the effort". This distribution appears in wealth distribution, sales, and social media. It's characterized by a small number of high performers and a long tail of outliers, occurring when success is distributed unevenly due to a cumulative advantage. Small initial differences can lead to large eventual disparities.

What is the principle behind a Pareto distribution?

The Power Law. It is relationship between two quantities where one quantity varies as a power of another. It explains the occurrence of extreme events.

What if we get really crazy now, and do both flipping and rolling?

(defn flip-roll
  ([] (flip-roll (roll)))
  ([n] (if (zero? (flip))
         (flip-roll (+ (roll) n)))))
(repeatedly 20 flip-roll)
(1 3 12 12 8 6 1 5 13 10 7 6 3 5 2 9 5 21 1 5)
(def flip-roll-data
  (tc/dataset {:views (repeatedly 1000 flip-roll)}))
(distributions flip-roll-data "YouTube" :views)

Hey that looks like the Poisson!

No, this is a merger of normal and geometric distributions, but they are quite similar in shape.

Well that's wierd isn't it? Could it be that distributions arise from simple mechanisms of choice, summation of different variables, accumulation from surviving and thriving, and combinations of these properties?

It depends on the situation. Determining the precise causes of a distribution may be difficult. Sometimes that matters a lot. In 2007 it played a role in the credit crisis. Many financial models assumed normal distributions of returns. These models underestimated the likelihood and impact of extreme events and correlations during market stress. Others underestimated the risk of simultaneous defaults. These assumptions turned out to be wrong, and led to severe losses.

On the other hand, often we just want to understand the general shape of the data, and think about the factors involved.

The Poisson distribution models the number of events occurring within a fixed interval of time or space. It shows up in queues at the checkout, the number of goals a soccer team will score, the frequency of YouTube video views, and anywhere that the frequency of a repeating event is relevant.

We glossed over on a few things. Dice don't occur in nature. Dice can be constructed with binary choices.

(defn flip-36 []
  (reduce + (repeatedly 36 flip)))
(def flip-36-data
  (tc/dataset {:score (repeatedly 10000 flip-36)}))
(distributions flip-36-data "Flip 36" :score)
(defn flip-3 []
  (let [a (flip)
        b (flip)
        c (flip)]
    (+ (* a 4)
       (* b 2)
       (* c 1))))
(def flip-3-data
  (tc/dataset {:score (repeatedly 1000 flip-3)}))
(distributions flip-3-data "Flip 3" :score)

Uniform distribution from coin flips. If we drop 0s and 7s, we are left with dice.

(defn flip-skewed []
  (let [x (flip)]
    (if (zero? x)
(defn flip-skewed-36 []
  (reduce + (repeatedly 36 flip-skewed)))
(def flip-skewed-data
  (tc/dataset {:score (repeatedly 10000 flip-skewed-36)}))
(distributions flip-skewed-data "Flip skewed" :score)

The basic interactions lead to many distributions

source: 2024-07/src/three_distributions_that_underpin_everything.clj